Because nature does things better
Consult Valencia, our AI, to learn everything about the program

Plants have been our friends for thousands of years. They have kept all their power in order to help us to reharmonize with nature. All our knowledge about medicine started with observations of the effects that plants had on us. As we speak, knowledge of these effects does not allow a company to profit from them, unless it isolates the elements responsible for this effect and files a patent. This is what, unfortunately, often creates effects that are slightly different from how they initially functioned. Only just different enough to justify a patent, and yet close enough to see a relationship with the plant and its effect.

When it comes to hormones, they too were discovered in plants and have been patented with molecules that come from the same family, but are not identical. Over time, we realized that these new molecules are not as effective, and they may be harmful to our health. It suffices to look at the natural progesterone that is found in bio-identical preparations which does not cause problems at normal doses, but is banned for pregnant women in the patented(non-natural) version because it can cause fetal malformations. Doctors, informed by medical sales representatives, are often unaware that less dangerous natural alternatives exist because they are not patentable and therefore not paid for by the industry (factory, visitor, corporation...).

In the New Growth program we only use natural plants for their beneficial effects in doses that are more than safe. They have been known for thousands of years, and their side effects are so rare that they are often even part of the daily diets of certain cultures. The secret lies in the unique combination of these plants and in their synergy that has to our knowledge been developed by no one other than our breast sculpting and augmentation program.

Source: Prescription alternative (Alternative prescription) 4th edition p331 à 349
Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
and Virginia Hopkins , M.A.

Phytothérapie et Hormone Naturelle
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