Because nature does things better
Consult Valencia, our AI, to learn everything about the program




It's the oldest story in the world, all your friends go through puberty, but you don’t, and in the eyes of the everyone else, you're still a little girl. Handsome boys only have eyes for other girls, with their curvy shapes that entice the boys, that make the boys want them, all whilst you only have two little bumps.

Your friends and family may have told you to be patient, to let time go by. You are already well into your twenties with your thirties fast approaching, or maybe your thirties have already arrived.

Maybe this morning you decided that the time for action has arrived, given that you are smart and you have your life all sorted out. What are the professional options available to you to solve this hard-pressing issue?

Here is a little guide to help you decide which path to take from the two available approaches, surgery and the natural multidisciplinary approach of the New Growth program.


The surgical approach (breast implants)

The surgical approach is far better known and popular.

The main advantages of this are its speed and the overall accuracy of results. There are a countless number of women who have sought to enlarge their breasts surgically.

Surgery is also used to compensate for imbalances or natural deformities. It can also be used for remodeling purposes, following the removal of breast. All this is positive and helps to improve self-esteem and increase our power of seduction.

These advantages are important, but they also come with significant disadvantages. Some disadvantages are part of all surgical procedures, and others, which are more specific, may or may not occur.

A definite disadvantage of surgery is related to the cost of the procedure, which is between 6,000$ and 10,000$ CDN or 4,000€ and 7,000€. We must also add convalescence, which is a mandatory rest period of one to two weeks following the surgery.

There is also the presence of a scar left from the placement of the implant. The appearance of this scar varies, depending on the experience and talent of the surgeon. Examinations every two years are mandatory in order to prevent and quickly treat any complications that could be caused by the implants. Finally, there is the cost of replacement surgeries, as the implants only have a life span of around 10 to 15 years.

As for the other disadvantages, they are present in the form of risks. There are multiple risks of complications caused by the surgery, and while these risks are minimal, there are a lot of them and they can have a significant impact on health, sometimes even leading to deformities. One risk is the perforation of an implant, which would require its replacement. There is also the small possibility of developing one or more hard breasts, which are caused by the development of scar tissue covering the implant, and there are also multiple risks of possible deformity in the weeks following the operation. The operation may also cause a loss of breast sensitivity.

The last aesthetic risk is the appearance of stretch marks caused by an implant that is too large, or the inexperience of the doctor who placed it.

A significant disadvantage is that there is a significant correlation between breast implants and certain types of cancer and various other health conditions, such as the development of autoimmune diseases. These complications can have a major impact on your health and in some cases even reduce your life expectancy.



The natural multidisciplinary approach

I'm not going to lie to you, we believe our approach is the best, and so the list of advantages and disadvantages comes from our extensive experience in applying our method and from a trust that has been built up over the years. It is therefore in good faith that we inform you of this. Now that this has been clearly expressed, let's begin.

The New Growth program is safe and approved by Health Canada. Our techniques used are often based on approaches that have been used for millennia.

There are multiple advantages to our multidisciplinary natural method, and our philosophy is a health-oriented approach. It is the key that allows your body to obtain a state of growth for your breasts. Our approach allows natural growth and is therefore both gradual and comfortable. It gently continues with the natural growth that occurs during puberty. We do not use dangerous hormones, and we support you throughout the process, adapting the program to your specific needs.

Furthermore, part of the improved program is a step to make your skin more elastic, thus preventing the possibility of stretch marks, also you do all the work from the comfort of your own home.

The confidence you gain makes the program outshine the surgical method, because your active participation which is essential for your success will give you a degree of control over your destiny. The confidence you’ll have in your abilities will add to your newfound power of seduction. You will be responsible for your own success.

Pricing is also a definite advantage, compared to the surgical technique. It comes to a total that is less than 10% of the cost of surgery.


An essential and beneficial approach.

In our opinion, the natural growth approach is the best approach. The program includes a guarantee of results. Unlike the surgical approach, our approach poses no dangers to your health, and comes with none of the high and ongoing costs of implant replacement, and above all, our approach brings you the peace of mind to not have to worry about your future health.

Comparaison des Methodes d'Augmentation Mammaire
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